Use the menu at left to browse various pieces completed by 7th and 8th grade social-studies students at Mattanawcook Junior High School in Lincoln. The students spent hours researching their respective topics and compiling various responses to show what they learned. Each student was able to respond through one of four learning styles: MASTERY (summarizing facts, dates, places, important events, etc.), UNDERSTANDING (analyzing or examining a topic deeply), INTERPERSONAL (making a personal connection to a topic), or SELF-EXPRESSIVE (taking a non-traditional, often artistic, approach to a topic). The responses reflect a variety of perspectives on the topic—all of which communicate something interesting about Lincoln's history.
Lincoln Now

James Tash, Jr.Shown here on his first tour in Iraq in 2004, serving in the U.S. Army. James' hometown is Chester and he graduated from Mattanawcook Academy in 1985.